clap-help 0.6.2

utility printing help of a clap application


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Purpose and Features

clap-help prints the --help message of clap based terminal applications.

Differences with the vanilla help renderer of the clap crate:

  • more readable, thanks to a width aware layout
  • much more compact: from 2 to 3 times less lines compared to vanilla
  • options rendered in a balanced table, optimized for the width of the terminal
  • introduction interpreted as Markdown, allowing lists, tables, code blocks, etc.
  • doc of options interpreted as Markdown
  • skin automatically selected for light or dark terminals
  • customizable termimad skin
  • you can customize section templates, remove them, reorder them, add sections

clap-help is especially suited to small terminals or big numbers of options.

Not (yet) supported:

  • subcommands
  • your use case, maybe, because clap-help hasn't been used in many programs and each one is different; come to the chat and ask if needed


This comparison uses the broot program.

With clap-help


With the standard help rendering


(my screen isn't big enough to fit even half the help page)


Basic usage

Your program needs a clap Command defined.

Here's for example with clap-derive:

#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
#[command(name="area", author, version, about, disable_help_flag = true)]
struct Args {

    /// Print help
    help: bool,

    /// Height, that is the distance between bottom and top
    #[arg(short, long, default_value = "9")]
    height: u16,

    /// Width, from there, to there, eg `4` or `5`
    #[arg(short, long, default_value = "3")]
    width: u16,

    /// Kill all birds to improve computation
    #[arg(short, long)]
    kill_birds: bool,

    /// Computation strategy
    #[arg(long, default_value = "fast")]
    strategy: Strategy,

    /// Bird separator
    #[arg(short, long, value_name = "SEP")]
    separator: Option<String>,

    /// Root Directory
    pub root: Option<std::path::PathBuf>,


  • the disable_help_flag = true disabling the standard behaviour of clap regarding help.
  • the explicit help argument. Here it's with only #[arg(long)] because -h is used for something more important but you would most often have #[arg(short, long)].

The help introduction (the part before usage) is defined as a string which will be interpreted as Markdown. It can contain tables, lists, bold, italic, inline code, code blocks, etc.

static INTRO: &str = "

Compute `height x width`
*You can do it either precisely (enough) or fast (I mean not too slow)*.

On program launch, you should check the value of the help flag and, if necessary, print the help:

let args = Args::parse();
if {
        .with("introduction", INTRO)

Help rendered in a light terminal:

area light

Same help in a dark terminal:

area dark

Complete example is in /examples/area and can be seen with cargo run --example area -- --help

Adding custom sections

Help is usually easier to grasp with a few examples. You can write a few ones in your intro, or you can add them in a later section, after the options.

It's also possible to leverage the template system, which is what is done in the with-examples example, for this result:


Here's how it's done:

static EXAMPLES_TEMPLATE: &str = "

**${example-number})** ${example-title}: `${example-cmd}`

let mut printer = clap_help::Printer::new(Args::command())
    .with("introduction", INTRO_TEMPLATE)
printer.set_template("examples", EXAMPLES_TEMPLATE);
for (i, example) in EXAMPLES.iter().enumerate() {
        .set("example-number", i + 1)
        .set("example-title", example.title)
        .set("example-cmd", example.cmd)
        .set_md("example-comments", example.comments);

complete code of the example

Changing the skin

If your program has some kind of graphical identity, you may want to extend it to the help.

This is the case of bacon which features this kind of saturated pink that kids associate to pigs.

This change was easily done by setting the color of first level headers and bold:

let mut printer = clap_help::Printer::new(Args::command())
    .with("introduction", INTRO)
let skin = printer.skin_mut();



Customizing more: changing both the skin and the templates

The example in examples/custom mainly features:

  • less restreint on the colors
  • a removal of the value column


The strategy for those changes is

  • to redefine the bold, italic, and inline_code styles to change their foreground color, to remove the background of the code, and to remove the Italic attribute of italic
  • to change the "options" template so that ${short} and ${long} are in italic (i.e. between stars in Markdown)
  • to modify the template to remove the unwanted column

Here are the relevant parts of the code:

pub static TEMPLATE_OPTIONS: &str = "

|short|long|what it does|
let mut printer = Printer::new(Args::command())
    .with("introduction", INTRO)
    .with("options", TEMPLATE_OPTIONS);
let skin = printer.skin_mut();
skin.italic = termimad::CompoundStyle::with_fg(ansi(45));
skin.inline_code = termimad::CompoundStyle::with_fg(ansi(223));

Complete example is in /examples/custom and can be seen with cargo run --example custom -- --help

Please note that not every customization is possible or easy with the current clap-help. And some may be easy but not obvious. Come to the chat and ask if needed.